1.        Basic comfort.

Make sure you are healthy and not hungry. It is also important that the bed, mattress and bedding are comfortable. Sometimes even folds on the sheets can interfere with sleep. Choose comfortable clothes. Pajamas and underwear should not be tight. All clothing must be made of natural fabrics. Avoid velour clothes, it has poor air permeability, and person can sweat a lot in such clothes.

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  1. 1. Wake up according to the “five-minute rule” There is an effective 5-minute wake-up system. Start your morning with positive emotions for first minute. Think about your beloved people, memorable events, and beautiful places. Second minute: take a deep breath to wake the body. Third minute: massage your temples, nape, earlobes and eyebrows to improve the blood flow to the brain. Fourth minute: rub your palms against each other; then gently rub your hands, feet, stomach, back. These actions improve blood circulation throughout the body. Fifth minute: you must calmly sit and drink a glass of water with lemon.
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