In December 2017, 7.6 billion people lived on Earth. Of these, only 326.8 million can be attributed to the number of absolutely healthy, that is, those people whose body retains its best condition, regardless of environmental changes. In healthy people, vitality indicators and qualitative characteristics are within the established framework, the body is functioning normally.

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Each person at one time or another experiences a lack of energy, increased fatigue and drowsiness. How to get rid of it? Of course it is best to visit a doctor, you can also use drugs with modafinil (Armod, Waklert or Artvigil), but one of the first steps should be to normalize lifestyle. Let’s look at this in more detail.

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Sugar contributes to the production of dopamine and serotonin. But the feeling of happiness experienced by a person when eating (for example, a chocolate bar) is quickly replaced by irritability and nervousness. That is why many modern experts have come to the conclusion that sugar is a real drug, and getting rid of sugar addiction can significantly improve your condition. Many people, having familiarized themselves with these studies, are convinced that the use of sugar is not necessary for the functioning of our body. To help you fight sugar addiction, we offer 6 simple steps that can significantly reduce your cravings for sweets.

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