Sleep is the main source of youth. At night, the body recovers and gains strength. Start sleeping at least 7-8 hours every night, and within a couple of weeks you will notice positive changes. A tired person looks unhealthy. Sleeping less than 6 hours will immediately affect your appearance.
Continue reading “The importance of healthy sleep for female beauty”In fact, there are only 20% of owls and 10% of larks in the world. The rest of the people live in a medium rhythm, adapting to the circumstances.
Continue reading “Owls and larks: what determines our circadian rhythms?”During the holiday season, the happiest of us have a long flight to the resorts with beaches and the same flight back. Let us consider the main rules, following which, you can sleep peacefully on the plane.
Continue reading “10 ways to have a great sleep on a plane”Breastfeeding before sleep is absolutely justified if the child is not one and a half months old. However, from three months, the structure of sleep changes, melatonin begins to produce. From six months of age, the sucking reflex becomes a sucking habit. Habits exist good and bad. Some can make life more pleasant and more harmonious, while others can limit freedom and harm health. If the child wakes up between sleep cycles, and he does not yet know how to fall asleep without your help, then your task is to teach the child to fall asleep without your active participation. Try not to do for the child what he already copes with himself.
Continue reading “How to separate breastfeeding and sleep?”Ease of use, durability and cost of pillow depend on the filling of the pillow. This accessory can be filled with natural or synthetic materials. Among the natural ones, pay attention to:
Continue reading “Types of pillow fillers. Which filler to choose to have a healthy sleep?”