6 ways to improve concentration

1. Find out when your brain is most productive.

Be active when your brain’s performance is at its peak. For example, you have noticed that you perform tasks faster and better in the morning. Your highest performance can be around 10 am, and in the afternoon you feel tired. So, work on your tasks at a time when the brain is in optimal condition. Then, when its performance decreases, stop or perform simple tasks.

2. Before you start doing something, make sure your brain is well rested.

You may find it difficult to concentrate if there are internal distractions such as anxiety and stress. Try to get some sleep and think positively. Some people practice meditation or yoga to “turn on” the mode of positive energy. Perform breathing exercises to improve concentration. A 20-minute walk in the morning can also help to increase concentration and productivity.

3. Get rid of distractions.

This sounds banal, of course, but you can’t do without this advice. Remove gadgets, turn off the radio and TV. Do your work in a place where nothing will disturb you, for example, in a quiet, closed room in your home. Politely tell others that you need to work in peace and quiet.

4. Reduce multitasking.

Trying to solve many problems at once leads to changes in brain function. When we focus on something, part of the motivational system of the brain is activated – the prefrontal cortex in front of the brain. As a result, we feel like we are doing a lot of things. But in reality we do nothing at all. So in a sense, multitasking is simply impossible. Our attention and consciousness can focus on only one thing.

Switching between different actions can take only a few tenths of a second, which is not much. But this time increases when you regularly switch between tasks.

So, if you find it difficult to concentrate, stop multitasking: make a list of things you need to do during the day. Perform one task from the list at a time, and then start the next.

5. Add more protein to your diet.

Protein is the third most important food for brain health. Proteins consist of smaller particles, amino acids attached to each other by long or short chains. The number and sequence of amino acids that form proteins determine the specific shape and properties of proteins. Amino acids are essential in every process that takes place in the body and brain. They are involved in the transmission of information, are part of substances that cause impulses and make us wake up every morning and concentrate. For all these cognitive functions to function, the brain must receive a daily portion of protein.

6. Take Artvigil or Waklert.

These medications are indirect dopamine receptor agonists that prevent the reuptake of this type of neurotransmitter, increasing its presence in the brain. This increases your wakefulness, clarity of thinking, and concentration which allows you to tackle and accomplish your tasks much more easily.