5 main disorders in the body caused by working at night


1. Hair loss.

Sleep is vital for our body. During the night’s rest, the body restores immunity and replenishes energy reserves. Adequate deep sleep helps remove toxins from the brain. Accumulating toxins can lead to the death of brain cells.

The average amount of sleep required varies, but on average it is about eight hours. Reducing this time disrupts the immune system. Weakness and fatigue appear, and the absorption of nutrients needed by the body to function properly deteriorates.

Trying to compensate for the lack of nutrients, the body “turns off” such secondary functions as hair growth. Also, due to weakened immunity, the body becomes vulnerable to many diseases, one of the symptoms of which is thinning hair and hair loss.

2. Memory disorders.

Violation of the rest schedule as a result of night shifts can provoke inflammation in the central nervous system – in the brain and spinal cord. Lack of sleep leads to the fact that the brain receives less oxygen. As a result, the normal functioning of brain cells is disrupted. Metabolism slows down, cells stop regenerating, mental abilities deteriorate.

Rest at night is very important for a normal life. Those who sleep six to eight hours a night have been found to have the lowest risk of developing dementia. Those who spend less than four or more hours in bed are at risk for mental illness.

3. Visual impairment.

Working night shifts can lead to serious eye problems. With chronic insomnia, intracranial and intraocular pressure increases, which means there is a risk of glaucoma. This condition is characterized by an increase in intraocular pressure and, if not treated properly, can lead to blindness. Another consequence of systematic insomnia: edema and damage to the optic nerve. In the worst case, it also leads to vision loss.

4. Headaches.

Prolonged night work can lead not only to increased fatigue, but also to serious health problems. All this leads to headaches, which are caused by lack of sleep, severe weakness, impaired clarity of thinking and concentration. To get rid of this, use Artvigil or Modalert.

5. Deterioration of skin color.

As a result of regular work at night, the skin becomes oily, inflammation and wounds that heal more slowly appear more easily. Acne can occur as well as skin conditions such as allergies and dermatitis. Due to the increase in the level of the hormone testosterone, the hair on the head may begin to fall out, and on the body and face, on the contrary, grow more actively.

With prolonged sleep disorders, facial muscles are constantly tense. This leads to stretching of the elastin fibers and a decrease in the elasticity of the skin.

The main task of sleep is to restore the body’s strength spent during the day. While we sleep, metabolism speeds up, renewal occurs at the cellular level. According to scientists, during sleep, the rate of recovery of the brain, skin and blood cells increases by 200-300%, and the peak reaches about 1 a.m. But this does not happen if the person is still waking up.