5 tips that will help improve concentration


1. Fill your brain with oxygen.

Probably, many people notice that in stuffy rooms they feel sleepy and cannot concentrate. After all, in order for the brain to work more efficiently, it must receive a certain amount of oxygen. Thus, it is necessary to take care of your nervous system and walk every day, regardless of the season and weather. Also, such physical exercises as jogging, cycling, yoga and active recreation in the fresh air will be useful. Such activities help to increase concentration.

While walking, the brain rests and relaxes. Also, during walking, brain cells are more actively saturated with oxygen, due to which they process information faster.

During active rest, hormones of happiness and joy – dopamine and serotonin – begin to be released in the human body. They have a positive effect on your mood, emotional state and well-being. Also, walks help to cope with negative emotions, stress, anxiety and negative thoughts.

2. Rest.

Sometimes, in order to be productive, your brain needs to be in “passive mode”. Therefore, be sure to read a book several times a week or embroider, knit, draw, do whatever you like. If you are reading a book and suddenly notice that you do not remember what the last two pages are about, the “passive mode” of the brain is on. It’s like meditation. This passive mode allows you to relax, reduce fatigue, prevent the development of chronic fatigue and become more concentrated.

3. Swim.

Regular swimming exercises form new neural connections in the brain, and also prevent programmed cell death, helping to recover from stress. Measured breathing is also practiced during swimming. This is a great lung workout that will help lower your blood pressure and relax you. And this, in turn, will help to be more focused and cheerful.

4. Magnesium and vitamin B6.

Magnesium (Mg) is a very important nutrient for the nervous system, and many people are deficient in it. To avoid this, regularly eat such foods as almonds, cashews, flax seeds, beans, lentils, peanuts, and dark chocolate. In addition, it is better to combine Mg with vitamin B6. This vitamin forms a substance that is one of the components of cerebrospinal fluid. One of the main effects of this compound is a neurostimulating effect on nerve cells of various structures of the brain and spinal cord. The rapid therapeutic effect is associated with the possibility of accumulation of this substance in nervous tissue, which increases the ability to concentrate.

Remember that due to the large number of symptoms and the absence of specific manifestations of magnesium deficiency, you should not self-medicate or take vitamins and minerals without consulting a doctor.

5. Modafinil.

Modafinil is used as one of the most efficient drugs for treating daytime sleepiness, chronic fatigue, and loss of concentration. The drug was originally created to treat insomnia, somniphobia, sleepwalking, and other types of sleep disorders. We can help you buy Modalert and Modavigil (both contain Modafinil) online without any orders from the doctor!