Recipes that will help you be cheerful and get rid of fatigue


Tea for relaxation

This remedy is used to relax, relieve fatigue and relieve stress, and is generally believed to increase longevity and body functionality.


– 5 g of grated ginger;

– 1 tablespoon of lemon juice;

– 2 teaspoons of natural honey;

– one tenth of a teaspoon of hot pepper;

– 2 liters of water.


– Boil two liters of water for 5 minutes.

– Add ginger, hot pepper, honey, lemon juice to the water and mix.

How to take

Drink this tea in a small amount (about 30 ml) during the day or drink a cup before each meal. In addition, this infusion helps reduce appetite and promotes weight loss.

Tibetan remedy for rejuvenation and vigor

This mixture of garlic, honey and lemon is used in Tibetan medicine as an elixir that successfully slows down the aging process and helps to be energetic.


– 10 cloves of garlic;

– juice from 10 lemons;

– 1 kg of honey.


– Finely chop the garlic and mix with honey and lemon juice.

– Let the mixture infuse for eight to ten days.

How to take

After the infusion period, take one tablespoon twice a day during the day and another in the evening before the last meal. This recipe helps to significantly strengthen immunity and increase productivity.

Also, in order to be active and energetic, it is important to have a healthy breakfast in the morning. Let’s consider several options for simple, tasty and healthy breakfasts.

Breakfast 1. You can prepare a wonderful sandwich in a few minutes. Make a sandwich from rye bread, a leaf of lettuce, a piece of boiled chicken or beef, a slice of low-fat cheese and a couple of slices of tomato or cucumber. This is a very simple breakfast, but it is a balanced meal that will give you energy until lunch.

Breakfast 2. Cottage cheese with fresh fruit, dried fruit or frozen berries is a great option for breakfast. You can also add sour cream or honey. Thus, you will provide the body with all the necessary macronutrients and will be able to be active and productive.

Why are these recipes so effective?

All these recipes contain useful macro- and micronutrients, for example, honey, garlic, lemon, rye bread, cottage cheese or berries. Each of the listed components has numerous health benefits. For example, garlic protects blood vessels, lowers blood pressure and cholesterol levels and reduces the risk of strokes and heart disease, protects against the development of tumors and many chronic diseases. It also relieves flu symptoms, helps get rid of intestinal parasites, fungal and bacterial infections, strengthens the immune system, slows down aging and relieves stress and fatigue.

By following these tips, you will become more energetic and get rid of fatigue, until then take Modalert or Modavigil. They are used to improve efficiency and productivity at work, boost brainpower and mental performance. These drugs are nonprescription medicine helping people maintain the highest reaction rate and former concentration level.