Five ways to get rid of insomnia in old age

1. Restore melatonin levels.

If necessary, start taking melatonin tablets 60-90 minutes before bedtime. In this way, you increase the concentration of this natural substance in the blood, ensuring natural healthy sleep. The drug should be taken only on the advice of a doctor. Melatonin improves sleep quality and reduces the number of night awakenings. It should be noted that this product is not addictive.

You should not experiment with your health, so it will be safer to choose drugs from well-known manufacturers with a good reputation. Restoring melatonin levels will help the body adapt in the event of weather changes. Elderly people with autoimmune diseases and renal failure should not take melatonin. In this case, other drugs for insomnia are selected for the elderly.

2. Try to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract (GI tract).

Pay attention to how your digestive tract works. This is an organ whose work is highly dependent on biorhythms. It is necessary to establish a “work schedule” of the body: at night the gastrointestinal tract should “sleep” (preferably not to eat 2 hours before bedtime, so as not to have to digest food when the body needs rest). When we adjust our intestines to the right rhythm, then our whole body adjusts to the right rhythm.

3. Check sleep hygiene.

It happens that a person regularly sleeps for an hour or two during the day, and then can not sleep at night. Of course, daytime sleep can be on your schedule as it helps you regain strength. However, it should be remembered that if a person sleeps for two or three hours during the day, he will be lethargic and sleepy after waking up, and will not be able to fall asleep in the evening.

After studying many people, scientists have concluded that daytime sleep should not exceed 1 hour and it is not recommended to go to bed after 3 p.m. If a person sleeps during the day and does not sleep at night, it can lead to various heart diseases and age-related dementia. Acquired dementia is a decrease in cognitive activity and loss of previously acquired knowledge.

4. Check the microclimate in the bedroom.

Cold or heat in the room can also cause sleep problems. The recommended temperature is around 68-72 ° F.

Also, use a humidifier when the central heating is on.

5. Increase physical activity.

The most effective sport is regular walking for at least 30 minutes at a moderate pace. But it is important not to overdo it. In this case, the opposite effect may occur. Thus, the load must be strictly controlled. Activity helps to regulate sleep, and also normalizes bowel function.

Normalization of biorhythms, restoration of the necessary level of melatonin are the bases of healthy sleep, rest and excellent health.