Tea with bergamot: a drink of vigor and health

Tea with bergamot

This beverage stands out with its bright flavor and unique aroma, that sets it apart from other types of tea. It excellently invigorates and refreshes; what’s more, the drink is considered highly beneficial, as it contains valuable bergamot oil.

Tea with bergamot: the secret of its popularity

“Earl Grey” was named in honor of the Englishman Grey, who first brought this drink to Europe. In its classic form, “Earl Grey” is made from black tea varieties with the addition of bergamot oil, which is obtained through extraction from the peel of the fruit of this plant.

Tea with bergamot is in high demand among enthusiasts of flavored tea. The secret of its popularity lies in the fact that only natural oil, that preserves all the vitamins and bioactive substances, is used to make the beverage. Therefore, the tea is not only tasty but also a very beneficial drink with numerous of healing properties.

People who include bergamot tea in their diet notice a significant improvement in their overall well-being: the drink provides vigor and energy, helps to relieve stress and fatigue, and eliminates mental tension.

Regular consumption of “Earl Grey” can help alleviate the following issues:

– Chronic fatigue;

– Digestive system disorders;

– Hypertension attacks;

– Acne and pigmentation spots;

– Nervousness and irritability.

With the help of this beverage, you can naturally strengthen the immune system and improve the condition of the skin and hair.

How to drink it: indications and contraindications

If you’ve decided to add “Earl Grey” to your diet, it’s worth remembering a few simple rules. Most importantly, choose a quality beverage. Natural tea is a natural source of antioxidants and vitamins that will help you maintain good health and well-being.

Tea with bergamot is recommended for:

– Frequent colds and viral diseases;

– Chronic gastrointestinal disorders;

– Appetite disorders;

– Chronic stress and apathetic states;

– Blood sugar fluctuations;

– Concentration disorders.

Regarding the last point, if you need to quickly improve your concentration, take Armod or Waklert.

Despite the remarkable properties of bergamot tea, this drink has a number of contraindications.

Fragrant bergamot oil can cause general weakness or an allergic reaction, which develops within a few minutes after consuming the drink. Some people may feel mild nausea during tea consumption, which is caused by the high thymol content in the beverage.

Experts recommend using “Earl Grey” with caution in the following cases:

– During pregnancy and lactation;

– For women and children under 12 years old;

– For people taking antibacterial drugs (active substances in bergamot tea may intensify their effect).

How to brew

To enjoy the amazing taste and aroma of the beverage, it’s important to learn how to brew it correctly.

Before brewing, rinse the teapot with boiling water. Put 1 teaspoon of tea per serving into the prepared dish. Pour hot water (not boiling) over the tea; otherwise, some of the beneficial properties of the beverage may be lost. After 5-7 minutes, the tea will be ready to drink.

Enjoy your tea!