Five non-obvious reasons why you want to sleep all the time

Scientists have explained why people want to sleep, even if they just got out of bed after 8 hours of sleep. According to research, many people in the 21st century suffer from hypersomnia. This is the condition when a person wakes up after 8 hours of sleep, but really wants to take a nap. If these are one-time cases, then there is nothing wrong with that. However, many people suffer from this condition for a long time – from a few days to several months.

In this case, you need to be more careful about your health. If the hypersomnia lasts more than three months, then you need to see a doctor. A specialist will help you find the cause and improve your sleep.

1. Individual feature of the organism.

Sometimes even healthy people cannot regain strength in eight hours of sleep. One of them was the great scientist Albert Einstein. He needed to rest for at least 10 hours a day to feel good. Many people in the world feel full of energy after only 12 hours of sleep.

2. Snoring.

Snoring can interfere with good sleep and restoring of strength. In addition, you may be disturbed not only by the snoring of the person sleeping next to you, but also by your own. In some cases, snoring is a sign of the so-called obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and is manifested by short-term cessation of breathing. During these pauses in breathing, the brain wakes up. People who snore a lot can have up to 400 such awakenings per night. Of course, in such a situation you will not be able to fully and effectively relax. As a result, in the morning the person wakes up tired.

3. Iron deficiency in the body.

Lack of hemoglobin in the blood is manifested by various unpleasant symptoms (eg, pale skin, constant fatigue or a constant feeling of cold). One of the characteristic symptoms is the inability to sleep. Somnologists learned about this not so long ago. Therefore, if after 8 hours of rest the body is still tired, you should take a blood test for hemoglobin and consult a doctor.

4. Deficiency of vitamins D and B.

Vitamin D is one of the most important vitamins for health, disease prevention and good sleep. The most natural way to replenish vitamin D is to go out into the fresh air more often.

Lack of nutrients and trace elements in the body often leads to sleep disturbances and deterioration of health during the day.

Therefore, it is necessary to regularly check the level of these vitamins in the body.

5. Restless legs syndrome.

Some people have restless legs syndrome. This syndrome prevents them from falling asleep and sleeping. Moreover, even if a person falls asleep, the legs will periodically move by themselves and change their position. Such restless behavior in bed will not have the best effect on the quality of sleep.

Feelings of weakness and constant fatigue can be a serious symptom of certain health problems. Always seek professional help in a timely manner to determine the cause of sleep deprivation.