Causes of drowsiness


1. You are malnourished.

This applies not only to those who adhere to a variety of diets and deliberately restrict their diet. Sometimes, because of heavy loads and stress, you can miss breakfast or lunch. As a result, blood sugar is reduced, the body does not have enough energy. If for some reason you can’t dine, get healthy snacks (bananas, whole grain breads, protein bars, dried fruits, nuts, etc.). They help the body to retain energy throughout the day.

2. You are overweight.

Overweight and especially obesity can provoke fatigue. This is due to the fact that muscles, cardiovascular and other systems should work more. Try to normalize your weight. A healthy diet and exercise will help you to control and reduce your daily drowsiness.

3. You have chronic stress.

Stress provokes drowsiness, after a stressful situation the body wants to relax. Stress also causes spasms of blood vessels and muscles. If it is chronic, the tension in the muscles accumulate, they do not pass the blood and nerve impulses. After a stressful situation, the body needs physical relaxation. It is recommended that you first warm up and then relax as much as possible.

Find a way to get rid of stress. In some cases, it is enough to get rid of the influence of provocative factors, for example, not to communicate with nerve acquaintances, spend less time on social networks, change work. If there is no way to act radically, then at least move more, read, think, communicate with the people you like.

4. You have depression.

Depression is extremely difficult to detect. Sometimes people who already have this mental disorder can behave quite normally. The problem can be identified only by carefully observing and noticing minor changes in behavior. Fatigue, painful reluctance to get out of bed, drowsiness are common symptoms of latent depression.

If you feel that the world has changed, you do not want anything (except sleep), be sure to consult a psychotherapist or therapist. The therapist or family doctor will also be able to identify the problem, if any, and refer you to a specialist if necessary.

5. You have chronic fatigue syndrome.

The main symptoms of the disorder are fatigue and daytime drowsiness for three weeks or more.

Unfortunately, this disease is difficult to diagnose. Before diagnosing CFS, the therapist must rule out other health problems. If chronic fatigue syndrome persists, prepare for its correction through proper nutrition, exercise and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

6. You lack some vitamins or trace elements.

Daytime drowsiness is often a symptom of a deficiency of vitamin D or B12, as well as iron, magnesium or potassium. All these substances play an important role in energy metabolism. If they are not enough, the body requires more sleep.

In any case, to get rid of drowsiness quickly, take Modalert or Modavigil. They will help to be energetic and focused throughout the day!