7 ways to be productive and energetic in the spring

1. Diversify your sports activities.

You can improve your health and get a lot of new positive emotions thanks to a new hobby. For example, stretching improves blood circulation and increases the flow of oxygen to the muscles. Endorphins are released during any exercise – whether running or volleyball. In addition, in the spring, outdoor sports become more comfortable. Get active in the park, take part in a fitness flashmob or go for a run. Even a 10-minute walk at a fast pace is enough. As a result, blood circulation will improve and energy will increase.

2. Normalize sleep.

It’s no secret that healthy sleep is the main way to become energetic and productive. Our circadian rhythm is a biological process that controls the cycles of sleep and wakefulness. Try to wake up at the same time every day. If you fall asleep late, try waking up five minutes early each day. This will be easy as daylight hours are gradually increasing. Avoid caffeine and vigorous exercise before bed, and ventilate the room in the evening. It is also not recommended to use gadgets an hour before bedtime, their light makes the brain think that at this moment it is day and not night.

3. Do not forget to take a break from work.

Neglecting rest, you risk depleting all the resources of the body. To avoid this, regardless of the amount of work, find one day off per week. Dedicate this time to yourself, go in for sports, go to the cinema or the park. During intensive work, it is important to take breaks of at least ten minutes every hour. It is advisable to spend these ten minutes warming up or eye exercises.

4. Forget about strict diets.

Exhaustion of the body in conditions of constant changes in temperature and atmospheric pressure is dangerous to health. Beware of trans fats in fast food, which will not only make you feel bad, but also increase the level of “bad” cholesterol in the blood. Instead of french fries and barbecue wings, eat foods that contain healthy fats (fish, walnuts, beans, chia seeds). It is recommended to eat a lot of seasonal vegetables (broccoli, celery, beets, asparagus, artichokes, beans, radishes).

5. Eat protein breakfasts.

Protein, eaten for breakfast, promotes the active production of dopamine. This creates a sense of satisfaction that affects the processes of motivation and learning. Include protein-rich foods in your morning diet: lean meats or poultry, seafood, beans, eggs, soy products, nuts and seeds. Breakfast should be nutritious, but not too difficult to digest.

6. Take vitamins.

Seasonal vitamin deficiency makes us lethargic and affects mental activity. For example, magnesium deficiency often exacerbates chronic fatigue, and deficiency of B vitamins, especially riboflavin B2, can lead to brittle hair and nails. It is important to remember that the need of each of us for a particular trace element is individual. Consult your doctor before taking vitamins, as the dosage you need may differ from the one recommended in the instructions.

7. Take Modalert or Armod.

These medications are indirect dopamine receptor agonists that prevents the reuptake of this type of neurotransmitter, increasing its presence in the brain. This increases your wakefulness, clarity of thinking, and concentration which allows you to tackle and accomplish your tasks much more easily.