7 tips that promote clarity of thinking

1. Read interesting books.

Reading books stimulates the imagination. Reading an art book, you involuntarily imagine the plot of the story, and it makes the brain work. Popular science books help to develop thinking.

As we read, we think more to understand the idea of ​​the story. Usually we imagine a lot of details: the characters, their clothes, the surrounding objects. You also need to remember many things that are necessary to understand the plot. All this helps to train memory and maintain clarity of thinking.

2. Play special computer games.

Computer games were considered to be fun for children, but there are some types of games that develop thinking. Games such as quests contain tasks for logic and attention. They develop reaction speed, tactical and strategic thinking.

3. Practice meditation.

There are many types of meditation, and the simplest is to be calm, not be distracted by TV, computer and socializing. Take at least a little time each day to be alone. As a result, you will be amazed at how quickly clarity of thinking will improve.

The practice of meditation helps you become more focused, as it aims to eliminate distractions. When we meditate, we focus on the connection between the mind and the body, usually through breathing techniques and observing the breath. Some meditations include mantra recitation or visualization.

Spiritual practice fills us with energy and motivation, gives strength and inspiration, helps to adequately assess reality.

4. Rest.

The more time you rest and sleep, the better your brain processes information. Remember that there should be a period of rest and recovery after any workout. Excess information takes up many resources of our brain. Therefore, regularly arrange days of informational rest. Avoid all possible sources of information these days. With a significant mental load, alternate your activities with physical activity.

5. Lead an active lifestyle.

During physical activity, the brain is saturated with fresh oxygen and receives more energy. The less you move, the worse the clarity of your thinking.

Many studies have shown that one of the most effective health strategies is to maintain a high level of physical activity. This way of life contributes to the preservation of cognitive abilities, especially in older age.

6. Have a healthy breakfast.

After a long night’s sleep, the brain needs energy. Sufficient protein and carbohydrates are what the brain needs to prepare for daily activities. Proper breakfast improves mental clarity.

7. Take Modalert or Modavigil.

These medicines contain a unique active ingredient called Modafinil. They used to improve efficiency and productivity at work, boost brainpower and mental performance. Modavigil and Modalert are nonprescription medicines helping people keep the highest reaction rate and former concentration level after just 3 – 4 hours of sleep. And now you can buy Modavigil and Modalert online through our store!