4 reasons for the decrease in concentration


1. A lot of information.

We live in an age of new technologies, we receive too much information every day, we have constant stress and an accelerated pace of life. The ability of our brain to concentrate, structure and remember in such conditions is lost. We are often afraid that we will not be able to remember anything. But there are things we can’t forget. As soon as an unpleasant moment or unnecessary information comes to mind, turn on your favorite music or watch your favorite movie. As a result, you will be able to clear your mind of unnecessary information and thus increase concentration. Excessive amounts of unnecessary information daily reduce your concentration.

2. Not enough sleep.

Sleep is important so that we can do things during the day and stay fit. Sleep restores the body, relieves fatigue, promotes muscle and bone growth, maintains a good mood and ensures youthful skin. Having a good night’s sleep, we are able to do more work, we become more creative. Good sleep also improves concentration. During the day, toxins accumulate in the brain, and at night the brain is cleared of them. That is, our brain clears itself, but only if we sleep. Chronic insomnia leads to increased irritability, provoking forgetfulness.

3. Unhealthy lifestyle and unhealthy diet.

After spending the whole day at home, whether you are resting or working, you are unlikely to have an immediate decrease in concentration. But you will spend the whole day at home for a long time, you will still experience a decrease in concentration and productivity. In addition, with such a lifestyle, the diet is often completely unhealthy. And the key to achieving the best results is to constantly get useful nutrients. Therefore, for good concentration and productivity it is necessary to carefully balance the daily diet. A healthy breakfast is an effective way to start your productive day, so never miss it.

4. Excessive criticism.

Criticism, complaints negatively affect our emotional state and concentration. This applies both when you criticize someone and when someone criticizes you. Most often, people who criticize in this way try to solve their own emotional problems. However, this is an inefficient method.

Any criticism can be unpleasant, especially if someone criticizes what you love and appreciate. We all strive to do a good job. But criticism can be no less important than praise. A good, constructive critical response helps to develop. This does not mean that it is easy to express and accept constructive criticism. But when you know how to react to it, you improve as an employee, friend and team member. You need to learn to take into account only constructive criticism and use it to increase concentration and productivity.

It is important to note that constructive criticism should not be negative.

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