How to focus during stressful situations: 6 tips

1. Take a break from calls and messages.

When you work 24/7, you are constantly under stress. By forcing yourself to turn off your cell phone, you give your body a break from the constant source of stress. Modern technology provides constant communication, so often people communicate, solve problems by phone almost 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It is incredibly difficult to enjoy your free time and thoughts after work if you are constantly receiving work-related messages. If you can’t turn off your phone on weekdays, practice at least on the weekends. Choose a time when you can be inaccessible to everyone. You will be amazed at how much it will positively affect you and reduce your stress levels.

2. Take Armod or Artvigil.

They contain a different formulation of Modafinil – Armodafinil. Armodafinil is an alternate formulation of Modafinil. It is technically known as an indirect dopamine receptor agonist, which essentially means it blocks the reuptake of the neurotransmitter, known as dopamine, to increase its presence in the brain. Why is this good? Because this chemical is associated with concentration and wakefulness.

3. Get enough sleep.

When you sleep, your brain rests and recovers. That’s why every morning we wake up full of energy. Your attention and memory will deteriorate if you do not get enough sleep. Sleep deprivation causes an increase in stress hormones even in the absence of a stressful situation. In turn, stressful situations often make you feel that you do not have time to sleep. But lack of sleep can lead to the fact that you can not keep everything under control.

4. Suppress negative thoughts about yourself.

An important condition for dealing with stress is to stop thinking badly of yourself. The more you think about the negative, the more power it has. Most of our negative thoughts are just thoughts, not facts. When you realize that you have negative and pessimistic thoughts again, say to yourself, “It’s time to stop and write them down!” In fact, stop what you are doing and write down what you think. Once you stop thinking about the negative, you will be able to be more rational to adequately assess the situation.

5. Think about your attitude to the situation.

Stress and anxiety are often caused by our own distorted perceptions of events. It is easy to believe that deadlines, arrogant bosses and uncontrolled traffic jams are the causes of constant stress. However, you cannot control the circumstances, but you can control how you react to them.

6. Breathe.

The easiest way to get rid of stress is to breathe. Special practices with the help of your breathing train the brain to perform one specific task and calm you down. When you feel stressed, focus on your breathing for a few minutes.

Close the door, sit in a chair and just breathe. You need to focus solely on your breathing. Pay attention to how you inhale and exhale. It is natural that after a few breaths you will start thinking about something else. Just focus on breathing again and continue the exercise. If this is an easy task for you, start counting inhales and exhales.