7 causes of chronic fatigue

Let’s consider the most common causes of chronic fatigue.

1. Anemia.

Due to the lack of iron, vitamins B9 and B12, tissues do not receive enough oxygen, the volume of erythrocytes decreases, as a result of which anemia occurs. The most common causes of anemia are an unhealthy diet, especially a vegetarian diet, intestinal problems, large blood loss, and frequent blood donation. A person who is in a state of chronic anemia often suffers from low blood pressure, chronic fatigue and drowsiness.

2. Sleep apnea.

During an attack, signals are sent to the brain that the level of oxygen in the blood is too low. As a result, a person instantly wakes up. His blood pressure rises sharply, which increases the risk of angina and stroke. With a lack of oxygen, tissues become less sensitive to insulin. That is why the body weakens and chronic fatigue appears. Sleep apnea also shortens REM sleep, which allows the brain to rest and recover.

3. Menopause.

With the onset of menopause, the level of female hormones begins to decrease. As a result, women often experience fatigue, low mood and anxiety. As a rule, a woman becomes nervous and does not get enough sleep. She has reduced vitality and energy, a feeling of fatigue, loss of interest in life. All this can cause chronic fatigue.

4. Liver dysfunction.

The liver takes part in glucose metabolism. When the organ is functioning normally, glucose is released between meals or when the cells need food and energy. The body receives the necessary dose and feels great. If the liver is weakened due to disease, its main functions are impaired. It can no longer fully produce and store glucose. It affects well-being and causes fatigue.

5. Low testosterone.

At first glance, you might think that this only affects men, but in women, low testosterone can also cause problems. Currently, more than half of the population of the planet has low physical activity. Due to the lack of muscle load, there is a lack of muscle mass, as well as a lack of protein, healthy fats, vitamin D, zinc and magnesium. This negatively affects the level of testosterone, which causes drowsiness, loss of strength and fatigue.

6. Shift work.

Because of working in night shifts, a person does not get enough sleep and feels tired, sleepy, and irritable during the day. In most cases, a person cannot change his job, but he still needs to be productive and concentrated during the day. In such cases, it is necessary to take Armod or Artvigil. These medications are indirect dopamine receptor agonists that prevent the reuptake of this type of neurotransmitter. This increases your wakefulness, relieves fatigue which allows you to tackle and accomplish your tasks much more easily.

7. Diabetes.

With diabetes, the main cause of chronic fatigue is changes in the level of glucose in the blood. The main difference between chronic fatigue and “normal” fatigue is that “normal” fatigue goes away after sleep or rest, whereas chronic fatigue does not. According to statistics, about 60% of all patients with type 2 diabetes feel tired, because glucose is a nutrient for cells, and insulin is its “supplier”. If there are not enough nutrients, the cells will starve. As a result, the whole body gets tired faster, and the fatigue does not go away for a long time.