6 methods to help get rid of insomnia


1. Give up bad habits.

Smoking provokes vasoconstriction, which in turn leads to sleep disorders. As for alcohol, contrary to popular belief, it does not help to fall asleep quickly, but on the contrary – interferes with sleep. Large doses of alcohol quickly “turn off” the brain, but make sleep short and poor quality.

2. Organize your regime.

It is known that an adult needs a full 8 hours of sleep, but, unfortunately, not everyone takes it seriously. As a result, lack of sleep becomes a problem fraught with not only psychological but also physiological disorders. It is also recommended to avoid prolonged sleep during the day (although a nap is useful).

3. Do not forget about vitamins.

Insomnia is often the result of a lack of vitamins B and D, as well as calcium and magnesium. Check your daily menu and include more foods rich in useful trace elements: fresh fish, vegetables, fruits, greens, nuts. Talk to your therapist, choose a vitamin complex and take it every 6-12 months.

4. Teach yourself to be resilient to stress.

Emotional experiences contribute to the release of adrenaline, prolactin and cortisol, which mobilize the body’s forces to combat the external threat. If the body gets used to this condition, it inevitably leads to sleep disorders. Try to see life’s difficulties as a chance to become better and stronger, not as a tragedy. Learn Buddhist and yoga techniques to help control your mind and emotions to avoid stressful situations. In yoga, you can find many ways to fall asleep quickly in the form of special exercises – asanas.

5. Take antidepressants only on prescription.

Medicines designed to combat depression and insomnia have a significant disadvantage – they are addictive. This is not about physical, but about psychological dependence. Over time, it begins to seem that you can’t sleep without a pill. As a result, you become addicted to pills and cannot sleep without them.

6. Train your memory.

Human memory is inextricably linked to the brain and thought processes. The more information we store in our memory, the more activity in the brain. In this way, the brain learns and becomes more productive. But the level of intelligence is not fixed once and for all. The brain reaches its peak of activity at the age of 16-25 years, after which cognitive functions gradually decline. But this does not mean that the brain can not restore its former efficiency. You just need to train your brain and memory.

Our brain has neuroplasticity – the ability to adapt to new conditions and changes. And it can be done at any age. Best of all, the brain forms new nerve connections when it learns something new and remembers that information. Memory training can help prevent dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. These diseases disrupt the brain and lead to insomnia.

If you can’t handle insomnia, but need to be energetic and productive, take Waklert or Armod. They will safely and effectively help get rid of the effects of insomnia.