4 most common disorders in the body that occur when working the night shift

1. Loss of concentration due to lack of sleep.

Even one working night is enough to reduce the brain’s ability to concentrate and memorize information. But if you sleep well 2-3 nights in a row, the brain will recover without significant consequences for the nervous system.

Prolonged work in the night shift makes a person potentially dangerous to themselves and others. A sleepless night affects the brain like alcohol. Doctors identify 24 hours without sleep with a blood alcohol level of 0.1%. This is more than the allowable level. Studies show that even hours of sleep are enough to reduce stress in the nervous system.

To restore the ability to focus and concentrate after work in the night shift, take Waklert or Armod, which contain armodafinil. Armodafinil is an alternate formulation of Modafinil. It is technically known as an indirect dopamine receptor agonist, which essentially means it blocks the reuptake of the neurotransmitter, known as dopamine, to increase its presence in the brain.

2. Mood swings.

Prolonged work in the night shift can lead to the development of depression and the manifestation of the syndrome of unreasonable anxiety. But in the short term, lack of sleep affects mood in reverse; you may feel euphoric.

On the first day after a working night, a person’s mood improves. This euphoria is an unhealthy condition that will not last long. But in the long run, without enough sleep, a person loses the ability to determine what is important to him, especially emotionally.

If you work a night shift for a long time, your “immunity” to emotional shocks is reduced. As a result, the brain’s ability to filter out secondary events deteriorates. Suddenly, all the surrounding incidents become very important and necessary.

3. Passion for junk food.

After a sleepless night, you want to eat french fries or a hamburger. This is the expected response of the brain to sleep deprivation. If you don’t get enough sleep, your body produces more ghrelin (a hormone that sends a brain signal about hunger), which changes the nature of your appetite. You want to eat something you don’t like or find harmful in a healthy state, because after a night shift the level of the hormone leptin decreases. And this hormone should inform the brain about satiety.

During prolonged work at night, the metabolism may change. As a result, the body will create excess reserves. In addition, the body will not be able to cope with the processing of glucose, and as a result may develop diabetes.

4. Heart problems.

For the body, sleep is a reset of capabilities, reducing the load and preparing for the next day. In a dream, the pressure and pulse are normalized, the body is replenished with strength. Lack of recovery time increases the risk of cardiovascular disease. Excessive cortisol production caused by sleep deprivation causes changes in blood pressure and abnormal blood flow. With this rhythm, the risk of heart attack increases significantly.