5 reasons why you sleep with your mouth open

1. Disorders of the respiratory system (RS).

This problem often occurs in pathologies of RS. In situations where a person has a stuffy nose, fever and sore throat, the person cannot breathe normally. Seasonal SARS and chronic forms of the disease (rhinitis; sinusitis; frontitis) cause the mouth to open during sleep. A timely visit to an otolaryngologist or family doctor will help to correct the situation. As a preventive measure, doctors recommend annual rest in the mountains or by the sea among eucalyptus trees. The air in this area helps to normalize RS and reduces the likelihood of allergy.

2. Improper posture.

An abnormal body position is sleeping on your back or face down on a pillow. When a person sleeps on his back and on a low pillow, his head is thrown back and his mouth is opened. Another dangerous sleeping position is when a person lies face down on a pillow. As a result, the nose does not breathe well, and the mouth opens. To eliminate this cause, sleep on your side, choose the right pillow and bedding.

3. Weakening of the circular muscle of the face.

Another factor that causes the mouth to open in sleep is the weakening of the circular muscle. This condition is more commonly diagnosed in the elderly. This is due to age-related changes and loss of elasticity of muscle fibers. Treatment of the problem should begin with a visit to the ENT doctor. Having identified the problem, the doctor prescribes comprehensive measures to get rid of the disease (exercises for facial expressions and self-massage).

4. Dental problems.

Dental disease can cause the mouth to open during sleep. As a result, the likelihood of infection with pathogenic microbes that worsen health increases. For prevention, perform annual checkups with your dentist. Also pay attention to daily care, brush your teeth properly and use dental floss.

5. Neurological disorders.

Opening the mouth in a dream can be a manifestation of problems in the nervous system. Often the ailments occur in a latent form, without showing clinical signs. If such signs are found, you should make an appointment with a neurologist.

As prevention against neurological disorders it is recommended:

• reduce psycho-emotional stress;

• communicate often with family and friends;

• not to refuse help;

• rationally allocate time for work and rest.

It is important to understand that nature provided a closed mouth during sleep. The air enters the body through the nose, where it is cleaned and warmed. Thus, if a person inhales through the mouth, it develops a lack of oxygen saturation of the blood. If you open your mouth and breathe, then only the upper parts of the lungs will work. The importance of breathing with your mouth closed is also important to reduce the risk of hypoxia.

People who have an open mouth while sleeping do not get adequate rest. As a result, all day long they feel depressed and not energetic. Therefore, as soon as you notice such a problem, contact a specialist to find the cause of this condition. If the reason cannot be found yet, you can take modafinil preparations (for example, Armod or Modalert) to increase energy and vigor.