What foods contain glucose, which is necessary for clarity of thinking?

What foods contain glucose, which is necessary for clarity of thinking?

The brain constantly needs glucose to stay active. And if the body can get energy from fat and sugar, then for clarity of thinking only glucose is needed. Carbohydrates that enter the body with food are converted into glucose. It is glucose that feeds billions of brain cells. Because the brain works constantly, it consumes glucose continuously, without having time to stockpile. Studies confirm that glucose is necessary for clear thinking.

The brain is so dependent on glucose that it has learned to convert other sugars into it when needed. For example, the following compounds can be converted to glucose:

• fructose;

• fruit sugar and honey;

• lactose;

• milk sugar.

Many people eat few carbohydrates to lose weight. But you should not significantly reduce the amount of carbohydrates in the diet or do not eat them at all, because they provide the necessary glucose. If this is not enough, the brain becomes vulnerable and clarity of thinking deteriorates.

People often think that carbohydrates are contained in sugar, white bread, bakery products. But these foods are not needed for proper brain function and clarity of thinking. About 88% of the glucose needed for the brain is contained in 100 grams of green onions, 76% – in turnips, 52% – in dried apricots, 48% – in kiwi, 40% – in grapes, 31% – in beets. Natural glucose is best for the brain.

For an active brain and clear thinking, an adult needs an average of 62 grams of glucose per day. The indicator varies depending on individual characteristics. This amount of glucose is less than 250 calories per day.

For example, you can get the glucose you need by eating three tablespoons of honey. And if you try to get that much glucose, for example, from chocolate chip cookies, you will have to eat a lot more.

It is necessary to check not only the amount of glucose, but also the total amount of sugar consumed. Low blood sugar reduces brain activity, high blood sugar increases the risk of dementia. In order for the brain to be healthy, it is necessary to limit the consumption of sugar, as well as replace harmful sugars with useful ones.

Foods that quickly raise sugar levels and are low in fiber are bad for the brain. These are the following foods:

• fruit juices and other sweet drinks;

• pastries and sweets;

• white flour products.

The following foods will provide a stable level of sugar:

• Sweet potatoes;

• cherries;

• grapefruit;

• pumpkin;

• carrot;

• lentils, chickpeas, beans.

These foods contain high-fiber complex carbohydrates that are harder to digest and therefore slower to enter the bloodstream. Fiber not only helps regulate blood sugar levels, but also has a positive effect on the digestive tract and immune system. Thinking, like the muscles of the body, needs to be trained. Therefore, it is also recommended to regularly perform brain exercises that will help not to lose clarity of thinking.

If the problem with clarity of thinking is associated with lack of sleep, take Modalert or Modavigil. They will quickly help you regain energy and be productive!