How to Make Your Morning Healthy and Productive? 6 Tips


Undoubtedly, many people have wondered how to make their mornings enjoyable and beneficial. We have all dreamed get rid of morning eye bags, tired-looking eyes, and a face that doesn’t fully wake up until the first cup of coffee. We might have even marveled at those actors in breakfast commercials who get up of bed full of energy. So, how can we make our mornings healthy and productive?

In addition to the obvious advice of going to bed earlier and preparing everything we need for the morning the night before, there are a few effective methods that can help us not only overcome the morning sleepiness but also improve our overall health over time:

Sleep in a well-ventilated room: A well-oxygenated brain tends to shake off morning sleepiness more quickly. So, make sure your bedroom is properly ventilated to allow fresh air in.

Drink warm water: Start your day by drinking a glass of warm water. For an extra oxygen boost, consider adding three drops of lemon juice. This will help oxygenate your body and invigorate your nervous system. In addition, it is very useful for the motility of the gastrointestinal tract and gall bladder.

Add light exercise into your routine: You don’t need to engage in a weightlifting; a few simple exercises for different muscle groups will suffice. Perform each exercise 10-15 times. You can also try marching in place, using a hula hoop, doing gentle stretches, or swinging your legs.

Don’t skip a healthy breakfast: A nutritious breakfast is as important as exercise. Those who choose to eat a hot dog or a donut with coffee in the car will most likely be tired and sleepy all day. In addition, those people who eat like this regularly very often have various stomach diseases. Therefore, it is better to choose such food as whole grains, muesli, scrambled eggs, or vegetables to fuel your body and promote excellent health.

Take the morning shower: Nothing energizes you more than a cold shower. If you haven’t tried taking a cold shower before, start lowering the temperature gradually. A cold shower can invigorate you for the entire day without the risk of hypothermia.

Take Modalert (Modafinil): it is used as one of the most efficient drugs for treating daytime sleepiness, chronic fatigue, and loss of concentration. The drug was originally created to treat insomnia, somniphobia, sleepwalking, and other types of sleep disorder. If Modafinil does not seem to have much of an effect on you, the alternate action of Armodafinil may be exactly what you need. Armod (ARmodafinil) contains a different formulation of Modafinil that acts in a similar way, but may be more effective in some patients. The medication indirectly blocks the reuptake of dopamine in the brain to promote wakefulness and clarity of thinking.

By following these simple tips, you can make your mornings truly productive, uplift your mood, and maintain your health for years to come.

Wishing you a good morning and a wonderful day ahead!