How to be cheerful during menstruation: 7 recommendations


1. Eat small portions.

During menstruation, nutritionists recommend eating small portions four to five times a day, as it increases vitality. Snack on healthy food between meals. If you eat large portions, the body will have to spend a lot of energy to digest food, which will lead to fatigue.

2. Eat more protein.

Protein helps produce enzymes and hormones that make a person feel energetic. Healthy protein also helps normalize blood sugar levels. Sudden changes and a decrease in its level increase fatigue and drowsiness. Healthy protein is found in the following foods:

• Poultry (chicken, duck, turkey);

• Lean beef, ham, pork;

• Seafood (red fish, tuna, trout, cod);

• Peas, legumes, soy products;

• Nuts, seeds (almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts, sunflower, pumpkin seeds).

3. Drink more water.

Dehydration can make weakness worse, so it’s important to keep your body hydrated. Drink at least two liters of water a day and eat foods with a high-water content. If you are healthy, the more water you drink, the less likely you are to develop swelling. Swelling and bloating can have a negative effect on the body and increase fatigue.

4. Take vitamins.

A balanced diet is necessary to support all body functions. Unfortunately, many people do not get all the important vitamins and minerals. To compensate for this, take quality vitamins. Additional intake of vitamins will help to be cheerful during menstruation. Before taking vitamins, it is necessary to consult a doctor and do blood and urine tests.

5. Prevent anemia.

Sometimes blood loss and an unbalanced diet lead to iron deficiency anemia, the symptoms of which are apathy and fatigue. Most often, anemia occurs as a result of a deficiency of certain substances in the diet. Therefore, women must regularly eat iron-containing products. A lot of iron is found in beef, dark green leafy vegetables, beans and other legumes. These foods will help prevent anemia caused by an unbalanced diet.

See your doctor if, after changing your diet, menstrual weakness and fatigue persist, or if you notice that your periods are getting heavier. Up to 10% of women under the age of 49 have anemia. In the long term, anemia can negatively affect the heart muscle and increase the risk of cardiovascular disease.

6. Take Armod or Artvigil.

Armod and Artvigil are Armodafinil medications. They contain a different formulation of Modafinil that acts in a similar way, but may be more effective in some patients. These medications indirectly block the reuptake of dopamine in the brain to promote wakefulness and clarity of thinking. Unlike other stimulants that affect the central nervous system, Armodafinil does not inhibit motor function, allowing you to carry on about your day with increased focus and energy to accomplish your tasks even during menstruation.

7. Eat less simple carbohydrates and sugar.

Often, during menstruation, women crave unhealthy food – a cheeseburger or a piece of cake. But such food contributes to increased fatigue. Try to overcome the desire to eat something harmful and choose healthy food.