3 berries that contain antioxidants and improve clarity of thinking

We are all used to the fact that the most useful substances in berries are vitamins, water and fiber. But, it turns out; it’s not just about these substances. All berries are a source of antioxidants. These are substances that neutralize free radicals that cause premature aging, cell destruction and unclear thinking.

1. Blueberry and blackberry.

In the rating of antioxidant activity, blueberry ranks first, blackberry ranks second. They contain a lot of nitrates, which support the healthy state of small vessels and capillaries. Thus, such berries are useful for the prevention of vision problems, as well as for maintaining clarity of thinking. Both berries are also rich in acids: benzoic, citric, malic, acetic and nicotinic. Thanks to them, the metabolism is accelerated.

It is recommended to eat a glass of blueberries or blackberries a day. It is better to divide this amount into parts so that the acids contained in the berries do not irritate the stomach and intestines.

2. Black currant.

In terms of vitamin C content, it is the champion compared to other berries. Currants also contain a lot of pectins, which contribute to the excretion of heavy metal salts, cadmium, mercury, and lead from the human body. People whose profession is associated with the risk of exposure to such substances should definitely add currants to their diet.

Also, this berry contains essential oils, tannins and phosphorus. And thanks to this, it helps to preserve cognitive abilities and clarity of thinking, especially in old age. Currant is also an excellent antiseptic, so it is useful if you have a cold or flu. Decoctions and infusions of currant leaves are used to prevent various viral infections. Having a tonic effect, blackcurrant juice is useful for a weakened, exhausted body and after operations.

3. Strawberry.

Strawberries contain a lot of vitamin C and folic acid, which helps strengthen blood vessels. This berry is also rich in potassium, which helps remove excess fluid and has a positive effect on the heart muscle. And the magnesium contained in the berry helps lower blood pressure and relax blood vessels.

The red color of strawberries indicates the presence of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A. This substance helps to rejuvenate mucous membranes and skin. Strawberries are also rich in manganese, which is involved in the synthesis of serotonin, the hormone of pleasure. Serotonin production helps maintain clarity of thinking for many years. Strawberries also contain salicylates, which have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. Thus, the berry can be useful for colds.

Of course, all the berries listed above can significantly promote clarity of thinking. But you also need to make some effort to keep your thinking clear for many years. Also, such drugs as Modalert and Modavigil contribute to clarity of thinking. They are used as one of the most efficient drugs for treating daytime sleepiness, chronic fatigue, and loss of concentration and promote clarity of thinking.