Types of pillow fillers. Which filler to choose to have a healthy sleep?

Ease of use, durability and cost of pillow depend on the filling of the pillow. This accessory can be filled with natural or synthetic materials. Among the natural ones, pay attention to:

• Down.

This material increases the breathability and durability of the bedding. The down content can be up to 90%. The more down content, the lighter and softer is pillow. Breathability and hygroscopicity are necessary to evaporate moisture that a person releases during a sleep.

• Silk.

Pillows made from it are usually of high quality and cost much more than down pillows. Silk pillow is elastic and durable and perfectly absorb and evaporate moisture. However, it is not suitable for those who are allergic to silk.

• Buckwheat husk.

This is a non-standard option, but also worth your attention. Such filler soothes, relieves headaches and helps with diseases of the spine. The advantages of such pillows are price, environmental friendliness, and hypoallergenic qualities. The disadvantages are that such filler is suitable for only three years; it can also rustle during sleep.

• Wool.

Sheep and camel wool is usually used, sometimes llama wool. This filler is well breathable; such pillows are light and soft. With good care, a pillow with wool can be used for decades. In addition, it is an excellent remedy for nasal congestion. However, it is better for allergy sufferers to choose filler from plant ingredients.

• Bamboo.

This type of filler is gaining more and more popularity. It is environmentally friendly and does not electrify. At the same time, it will be easy to care; such pillows can even be washed in a delicate mode in the washing machine. The only negative is the cost.

• Corn fiber.

Pillows made of such filler are voluminous, lightweight, and very comfortable. By their structure, they are similar to downy ones – the same warm, but more elastic. Corn pillows quickly regain their shape even after severe deformation.

• Cedar fibers.

This material in the textile industry is a novelty that has found many admirers. Cedar husks, shavings or shells use as filler for pillows. Products made from them are moderately elastic and easily. In addition, these pillows have a light massage effect. The most popular and softest are cedar husk pillows. Products made from shavings are harder and more elastic, and pillows containing shells have the most pronounced massage effect.

Synthetic fillers can be weightless, hypoallergenic, cheap and easy to care for. Let us consider the qualitative ones:

• Holofiber.

This is material with hollow structure and thermal insulation properties. Pillows made of it are lightweight, elastic; keep their shape well, hypoallergenic, breathable and antistatic.

• Synthetic down.

This is a material made of polyester fibers, an analogue of bird down, recognized as the most popular filler of the last decade. Pillows made of it distinguish by increased air permeability, hypoallergenicity, they warm and elastic.